Neuro Sleep Drink Free Sample

Hey hunters! Here’s a small freebie I found today, it’s for a 300ml bottle of Neuro Sleep. I haven’t tried this stuff personally, but after reading a few reviews online it’s apparently very tasty and can actually help promote good...

U by Kotex Free Samples

Hey hunters! Here are some new free samples of U by Kotex sleek & curve tampons! There are four different samples to choose from. Each one comes with 6 samples of the product. Obviously this freebie is aimed a bit...
Aveeno Daily Care Kit

Aveeno Baby Care Kit Sample!

Calling all moms! Here’s a new freebie kit available from Lifescript! This sample includes a cute Aveeno baby care kit, which consists of a few different creams and moisturizers as well as an anti-rash skin lotion. This freebie is only...
Superdrug Hamper

Win a Free Colgate & Superdrug Hamper!

Superdrug has just announced their 50th birthday, and as a celebration they are giving out Colgate hampers every day until June! Superdrug is a UK cosmetics and pharmaceuticals store, they have awesome products and I’ve used their shops countless times!...
Sample Shack